Work Smarter, Not Harder!

Creator Insights with Keiko Lynn

Hi, I'm Keiko!

I've been a fulltime blogger for 12 years.

In the old days &

& I just had to focus on my personal blog.

Today &

& so many different social media platforms demand input.

So let's learn how to work smarter not harder!

1. Batch working

Leads to better productivity.

I try to divide my days into main focuses: planning, shooting, editing and writing.

2. Avoid Distractions

I set a timer to only work on one specific task - nothing else allowed.

This method also keeps me from spending too much time on a task.

Each unique platform deserves its own tailored content.

But often the content is from the same source.

That means I shoot lots of photos, videos in different specs (e.g. landscape, portrait).

3. Stretch your content

I prepare a shot list to keep an overview.

See some examples

Instagram Post

Instagram Reel


4. Keep it organized

My media is divided into video and photo folders.

All files are labeled by date and specific shoot.

All my media files are backed up.

So if I ever want to repurpose material from a shoot, I have quick access to the files.

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