with Andi Eaton

Hi, I'm Andi!

Founder of and full time creator since 2014.

When I started my blog I was inspired by all of the stories I'd get to share.

But I quickly realized that operational things could eclipse the time spent being creative.

So I needed a strategy for staying inspired and brimming with ideas for new content.

Mind Mapping

My strategy to make all of this happen.

But First a Brain Dump

Morning pages

The clearer your mind, the easier it will be to encourage fresh ideas to flow.

I use the following methods:

Idea Book

The List of 100 Journal

Morning Pages

Prioritize your day

Take time to write in free flow every morning.

Open your mind for deeper reflection

Idea Book

Great ideas come unexpectedly. An idea book can be handy to capture them in the moment.

The List of 100 Journals

Sit down, choose a topic related to your niche and write a list of 100 things without judgement.

For example: 100 places you'd like to visit

Now We Are Ready For Mind Mapping

The goal is to create content ideas:

Choose one central topic

Allow new branches to grow from each new topic

Ready To Start Your Mind Map?

Keep these words from Aristotle in your mind

Watch the whole video  on YouTube!

Ready For The Details?