with Andi Eaton

Hi, I am Andi Eaton! founder & editor of

I am a full time creator since 2014.

Here are a few tips on how you can approach starting your own blog!

Lets get into the 3 steps that I took to start my dream career:

Step 1: Discovery

Step 2: Determine your Income Streams

Step 3: Getting Ready for Launch


What does my perfect day look like? 

What could I talk about for hours?

What do I like to explore?

During Discovery you can read books, watch documentaries or listen to podcasts. 

And to involve yourself a little more: take classes or find a fitting community!

Determine your Income Streams

Spend time on your business foundations!

Consider the skills you have and all the ways you can make money with doing what you love.

Save money!  When you launch your creative business YOU will be your primary investor.

Set up a business bank account only for business expenses.

Getting Ready for Launch

Create a launch checklist. It could look like this:

Home page copy

Sales pages for services or products

Email copy to potential blog readers or customers

Social posts

Create a launch calender

Now go and launch your dream career!

Watch the whole video  on YouTube!