How to Pitch Yourself to Brands for Collaborations

Creator Insights with Keiko Lynn

Hi, I'm Keiko!

Choose your brands

Create a media kit

Write a dedicated email

Tips for Pitching Yourself to Brands:

Let's have a look:

Reach out to the right person

Make a spreadsheet with brands you would love to work with!

1. Choose Your Brands

2. Create a Media Kit

You've got to have a media kit for your pitch!

3. Write a Dedicated Email

Write what you like about the brand.

Get specific with your collaboration idea!

In your Email to the Brand:

Highlight any common ground.

4. Reach Out to the Right Person

It is IMPORTANT to reach out to the right contact at the brand.

Check their site or linked-in for relevant positions.

Or just ask them for the best contact via DM/email.

In Summary:

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