There are three phases a user is going through while consuming Web Stories:
Post Click
Let's take a look at what kind of data you can collect during each phase.
Impressions or the number of times your Story appears to a user.
What matters in this phase:
Clicks or the number of times users click into your Story.
Click Through Rate also called CTR.
These are the metrics you want to track here:
1. Story Starts
2. Story completions
3. Average view time
4. Views by page
5. Average depth
In this phase of measuring you take a look at where a user clicked while viewing your Web Story (e.g. on an add, into a next Web Story or through to your website).
Tools! Tools! Tools!
Google Search Console provides you with a comprehensive overview. Displaying statistics like: Total clicks, Total impressions and Average CTR:
There are a lot of providers that offer you their own analytic services. But the strong allround solution is Google Analytics!
Most creators earn some form of ad revenue. For example through ads on their sites or affiliate links.
Using Analytics can help calculate the profitability of continuing to invest in the Web Story ecosystem.