How to Determine Influencer Rates

Creator Insights with Keiko Lynn

Hi, I'm Keiko!

I've been a fulltime blogger for 12 years.

You work as a blogger or influencer and don't know what your rate should be? Let me give you a few tips.

Amount of work

Statistics (e.g. Follower count, Engagement)

Determining Fees


Production costs


Types and amounts of posts

Your skillset

The client's budget

Here are 8 things you should consider.

Amount of Work

Regardless of your follower count, you should always be compensated for your time.  The more you work - the more you should be paid.


Follower Count is often the first number that shapes a creator's fee. Followed by a more detailed view at actual reach and average impressions.

Engagement (likes, comments, shares etc.) Keep in mind that a more engaged audience is likely also going to pay more attention to your content.

Conversion rate The main goal of your client is sales? Then this metric will be very  important.


Will your content be used on your client's social channels, in print, on their website, or on a billboard? Different usage scenarios  can require different fees.


A brand wants you to post exclusively about their content for a certain time period? Conditions like this should affect your rate.

Types and Amount of Posts

Which content format does your client want and how many posts? Static posts, videos, stories with swipe up or blog posts require a different amount of work.

We covered a lot. But there are a few things left:

Amount of work



Production costs


Types and amounts of posts

Your skillset

The client's budget

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