All You Need To Know About Evergreen Content

Creator Insights with Keiko Lynn

Hi, I'm Keiko!

I've been a fulltime blogger for 12 years.

Let's Talk About Evergreen Content

A Short Definition

Evergreen content isnt determined by how long it lives online, but by the longevity of its relevance.

Could a reader stumble across your post ten years from now and still find it useful? Thats evergreen content.

Evergreen Content can be great for traffic  especially with good SEO.

Traffic brings steady revenue if you have  ad placements etc.

And it brings new eyes to your blog: Your chance to hook new readers with internal links.

But why is it so valuable?

One of my examples

One Evergreen Example

My head scarf tutorial.



How Tos & Tutorials


Some Ideas for Evergreen Content 


Should be organized, easy to read and have a clear takeaway for the reader.


Should give the reader a deep dive into a topic.

How Tos & Tutorials

Work best when they are easy to follow and beginner friendly.


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